He Saved My Soul

Welcome! I am a American Girl doll lover and am in love with Jesus Christ. Hope you have a great time at my blog

Friday, 6 July 2012

27 things


1. Favorite color: PURPLE
2. Favorite color TO WEAR: I guess pink.(I don't really like pink but it looks good on me)
3. Birthday: November 23rd
4. Pet Peeve: swearing (it makes you look much less dignified and it's just wrong!)
5. What people think of you: Funny, nice, crazy.
6. What you think of yourself:  Nice, random.

7. Favorite Movie: I can never answer this.
8. Least favorite movie:  Pirates of the Caribbean (I watched one of them and just didn't like it!)

9. Favorite Subject:  I know call me crazy but math. I'm good at it!
10. Least favorite subject:  Science. 
11. Favorite Animal: Turtles!

11. Least favorite actor:  Who knows!
12: Favorite actor:  Josh Bowman!
13. Favorite Number: 23 or 12 I guess.
14. State you live in: None haha I live in Canada!
15. Hunger Games or Harry Potter: I don't like Harry Potter and haven't read the hunger games! Now if you put the Maze Runner in there!

16. Ice Cream or Custard: Ice cream!
17. Favorite Sport/Hobbies: Dance!
18. Middle name: Leanne...:(
19. Favorite Drink: Milk!
20. Siblings: One older brother!
21: Hair Texture:I don't know, thin.

22. Edward, Jacob, or Push 'Em All Off A Cliff: Push 'em all off a cliff!!!
23. Pet: None my dog died Dec.28th 2011.
24: Weirdest food you've ever eaten: I used to put yogurt on everything and I mean everything!
25. Snickers or 3 Musketeers: 3 Musketeers are only in the states so Snickers!
26. Imaginary Friend(s): I had one named John when I was 7.
27. How long it took you to take this survey: I don't know 5 min.


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