He Saved My Soul

Welcome! I am a American Girl doll lover and am in love with Jesus Christ. Hope you have a great time at my blog

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


So I'll be posting a bit more soon because I have Christmas Break starting Mon. I will have my nail tutorial up and I will have a bunch of things up for you guys!

Saturday, 3 December 2011


Okay so I have to go to my grandmother's house so I might not be able to put up the pictures of my nails but they will be up tomorrow or Monday


Friday, 2 December 2011

Charlie's Angels and Christmas nails

So Charlie's Angels is cancelled and I am really upset because I really enjoyed it. So I haven't finished my nails yet so I can't really put any pictures up but I promise it will be up tomorrow with a tutorial.

MaterialGirl077 Channel, Dance Moms

So today I was watching Dance Moms and I was watching what they could do, while I was watching I kept on hearing the moms say that Maddie was the best and I agree that she is very good but personally I think that Brooke is the best! My next topic is MaterialGirl077's channel, she took off all her videos does anyone knoe why? I'll have another post up today on my new nail polish and what my nails will look like I'll put a picture up.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Innerstar u

American Girl has a great website that is called Innerstar U! I have an account as I have jly (just like you) #23.
I really recommend this website and the dolls of course! Well that's it so Bye